Monday 3 December 2012

The Leech Fish

Above: Top down, side and perspective view.
The Leech fish is given its name from how it devours unexpected prey... Similar to the Upside down Catfish this fish is basically to wrong way up to look at, but there is good reason for this...

This creature stalks its prey from below, its darker coloured top side helps it become camouflaged against the dismal watery depths below and looking up from below at this creature it has a lighter underside to help it camouflage against the shallower waters. Its patterning is an attempt to create the effects of sparkling sun kissed waters at the surface.

The Leech fish has a long slender tail which once latched on to prey initially with its piercingly sharp tooth lined jaws it begins to wrap around the prey and squeezing the 'life' out of it, making it impossible for the prey to breath eventually leading to its death. A large paddle at the tip of this tail forms a vacuum  making it near impossible to escape and insuring control of the writhing prey. Along the dark top side of the creature there are ridges lined with tiny tooth-like structures to ensure further control over prey and movement from the prey could cause abrasions to its skin.

This creature can reach sizes up to that of the length of a human arm!

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