Saturday 5 May 2012

Completed C02 - Experimenting with Grey Scale

Above: Final experimental piece.

For this creature design i went about the same design process as before, initially combining existing creatures and eventually altering the design to represent fact. This flying lizard has the rotating eyes like a chameleon enabling it to spot predators more effectively and identify prey with ease. Hyoid bone in the throat can be erected to display the spiny bones and skin to both attract a mate and make them look less desirable as a meal to a predator. It has a streamlined light weight body for gliding on the wind and flying. The spines on its back protrude out of the body making it look further less desirable as a meal and helps it look more like a thorny foliage. It has an independent finger on each arm which as evolved to support the wing and is hinged so it can be folded back against the body, and most importantly it has a helmet like structure upon its head which like the veiled chameleon can pick up on infra sound, this enables it to detect movements of heavy footed approaching predators and analysis weather more specifically wind conditions for it to glide upon.

The main purpose of this exercise was to use a new techniques of grey scaling the piece initially to add depth then adding colour and detailing later, which i found to be a useful method of working as it didn't seem to take as long as it would getting straight in with the colours. I also used my existing knowledge of applying textures to further enhance this concepts believability. The full working process is available to view in the CREATURE DEVELOPMENT section of this blog.

I also tried to incorporate this creature in part of a scene as apposed to my previous creature which had a small snap shot. I think these scenes are best for setting the mood and type of environment the creature lives in but for the actual creature design and showing it off as a design i prefer the smaller snap shot. I intent to attempt a looser approach to 'Scene Concepts' as a quick way of displaying my ideas, but keeping the perfectionist style in the 'Snap Shot Concepts'.

1 comment:

  1. Thats Epic Steph! let me guess, Lizard, fish dino bird, love it! Good description of your processes too!
