Friday, 28 September 2012

The first peep in my Sketchbook....

Since starting back at Uni its all systems go!

Currently attacking my sketchbook head on i have started out on the task to design and develop creatures for my undiscovered land concept. Some of which will be quick drawings and others i will go into in detail showing habitats, skeletons and individual features of interest.

Below are some of those processes currently taking hold with the intention that they will later be manipulated into my 'Field Guide' printed book.

Above: As more and more scientists believe Dinosaurs had feathers this was my interpretation at the time. Beak-like jaws with rows of teeth within capable of breaking through tough skin and bone. Remnants of wings although this creature can not fly, like an Ostrich it has long legs for running at high speeds.
Above: Concept in process of the above creature.

Above images show a concept of a Tree Dwelling creature equipped with sharp spikes for protection from aerial predators and a body adapted for life in the trees. Fur covered for warmth in the wet seasons, sharp claws for assisted grip and peeling bark, a snout housing a long sticky saliva filled tongue for capturing prey, a prehensile tail to assist balance, large eyes mounted on the side of the skull providing all round vision in the dark and large ears providing acute hearing.

Above is my latest design at this moment in time. A creature built for the Tundra forming large herds across open plains. Thick fur covers its back and sides, a horned skull as its defence and seen as competition to rival males. Its heavily built body can produce speeds which could cripple a predator. A herbivore this creature will only attack if provoked or threatened. 
Keep a safe distance form this one at all times!