Sunday, 27 November 2011

The Gentle Giant

Recently i have been working mainly in my sketchbook creating creatures of all forms which is why my updates have been a little sparse. A few weeks ago myself and my fellow MA's went on a contextual visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park (see Research section).

I found a particular piece inspiring and with my creative eye, i spotted potential. I took a photograph of this piece (above) and took it into photoshop to show you exactly what i could see in my head.

I saw the large muscular structure of a giant, first i saw a Gorilla, but as i developed this creature i began to see a sloth like animal of huge proportions. Although he looks intimidating he is far from it. He is the Gentle Giant of the forest.

Although at first i couldn't see the Sculpture Park being beneficial to myself, i was obviously wrong. Seeing an abstract sculpture clearly proved inspiring.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Don't Panic!

I am still here!

I realise it has been a while since my last post. I have been working a lot in my sketch book recently producing new rough sketches of creatures which i will be posting on here in time. It was also my birthday last week, so its safe to say i have been celebrating with friends and family... but this is no excuse!

Its down to serious work from now... wheres my pencil???

Friday, 4 November 2011

Creature Developing in process!

Since my 'Crit' session last week i have been producing some rough quick sketches of creature ideas that could live on this new world.

This is one i have quickly sketched in Photoshop today, i was inspired to create a snake/panther combo, which i have also mutated and given it 6 legs, so far this is how it looks.
I have published this as i have also experimented with different colours of the same creature to play around with what suits best. This was another quick experiment that i will be continuing to take through my designs as the colour can dramatically change the creatures feel and overall appearance.